Knob Hill NW


Location: British Columbia, Canada
Ownership: 100% owned
Deposit Type: Skarn, porphyry copper-gold
Primary Metals: Gold, copper, molybdenum, magnetite and iron
Stage: Early stage exploration


The Knob Hill NW property is lcoated on northern Vancouver Island, appoximately 60 km northwest of the Empire Mine Property and is located at the western end of a 50 km trend that originates at the past producing Island Copper Mine and passes through NorthIsle Copper & Gold Inc.’s project and onto Coast Copper's. Knob Hill NW sits at the north end of a 25-km band of volcanic and intrusives which host zones of alteration and mineralization - the Utah-Expo Belt. Since 1980 sulphide-rich siliceous alteration caps overlying these systems have been shown to contain gold adding a new dimension to exploration potential in the region.

Work completed by Coast Copper

During the 2021 field season the Company completed a small exploration program on the Property. The surface sampling on the project showed promising alteration and geochemical results, additional work is recommended to further understand the mineralization and system at Knob Hill NW.  Gold in moss mats from streams have returned results up to 2030 ppb with two other creeks returning 62 and 149 ppb Au. Anomalous copper in rock float samples in the northernmost creek sampled (which also had 62 ppb Au in moss mats) is also noted. A high-grade zinc rock result (Sample D330509) is very interesting and should also be followed up.  The presence of high-grade zinc veining and anomalous copper and gold (in stream sediment sampling) could be indicative of a nearby hydrothermal magmatic system. Special care should be taken to interpret the local alteration particularly the sericite clay alteration zones.

The 2022 surface sampling on the project continued to show some promising geochemical results and additional work is recommended to further understand the mineralization and system at Knob Hill NW. Gold in moss mats upstream from the 2021 sample (2.03 ppm) returned 0.11 and 0.42 ppm Au. A highly anomalous zinc rock result (Sample KH2022B-AT002 – 434 ppm), was taken adjacent to a highly anomalous 2021 sample, has confirmed zinc in this area. The presence of zinc veining and anomalous copper and gold (in stream sediment sampling) could be indicative of a nearby hydrothermal magmatic system.

On December 7, 2023 the Company announced that it had staked additional mineral claims that form part of the Knob Hill NW property. The new staking more than doubled the current property size and was completed due in part to the recent news of NorthIsle. 

Additional work is warranted on the NW Knob Hill Property to better understand the geology and these new results in the context of historical results.

Cautionary Notes

Qualified Persons: The Qualified Person responsible for the technical information on this webpage is Wade Barnes, P. Geo., Company Geological Consultant, who has approved the technical information included herein. Any reference to adjacent properties, historical estimates and resources should not be relied upon.

Historical Information: Historical information provided on this webpage regarding the Company’s projects or adjacent properties cannot be relied upon as the Company’s QP as defined under NI-43-101 has not prepared nor verified the historical information. A Qualified Person has not done sufficient work to classify any historical mineral resource estimate(s) referenced herein as a current estimate and Coast Copper is not treating such as current mineral resource(s).

Adjacent Properties: This webpage may contain information about adjacent properites on which Coast Copper Corp has no right to explore or mine. Investors are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent proprites are no indicative of mineral deposits on the Company’s properties. 

Investors are cautioned that the exploration target at Knob Hill NW is an early-stage exploration prospect, conceptual in nature. There has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the target being delineated as a mineral resource.